How to run PUBG Mobile lite in 60FPS using Config - ASK Gaming

PUBG Gameplays,Tips & Tricks

PUBG Gameplays,Tips & Tricks

How to run PUBG Mobile lite in 60FPS using Config

Hello guys ,today we will see how to change the FPS in PUBG Mobile lite and play the game in 60FPS. So make sure you follow the instructions clearly to apply the config in your device.

Watch the video on youtube.


CONFIG(pubglite 60fps) 


{To download the config,Subscribe to the channel by pressing Button 1,Turn on the Notification by pressing the 2nd Button and press the 3rd button to download the config.}
QuickEdit App:
zArchiever :


1.Download the config and extract it using zArchiever.

2.In the extracted file there will be different files one Active.sav one .ini file , open the .ini using QuickEdit app .

3.Select the contents between UserCustom DeviceProfile and BackUp DeviceProfile amd copy it.

4.Go to Android/data/com.tencent.iglite/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Config/Android ,inside you will find UserCustom.ini

5.Open that UserCustom.ini and select 
 and delete the contents between UserCustom DeviceProfile and BackUp DeviceProfile and paste the copied content there and save the file.

6.Now go to Android/data/com.tencent.iglite/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/SaveGames there you will see Active.sav file , delete it.

7.Now go back to the extracted folder and copy the new Active.sav to Android/data/com.tencent.ig/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/SaveGame.

8.Enjoy PUBG Mobile Lite at 60FPS.

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